
Report on the stability of organic sapropel deposit "Udhodva

On September 30, 2020 we received the report of RUE "Vyshelessky Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine" on the stability of the organic sapropel of the "Udkhodva" deposit.

According to the report during 62 days of high temperature influence (60°C) on the sample of organic sapropel from the deposit "Udkhodva" of Pruzhany district of Brest region the quality parameters were in the limits stated in TU BY 190334809.004-2019 "Fodder additive "Sapropel organic".

The sample of organic sapropel of "Udkhodva" deposit of Pruzhany district of Brest region has stability, which allows us to establish a shelf life of 1 year.

All details about the feed additive "Organic Sapropel" here.